Prenatal HIV Transmission

Prenatal HIV Transmission can be very concerning for pregnant people who have HIV.

What Is Prenatal HIV Transmission When Does It Occur? [Explained]

If you are HIV positive, it is possible to transmit the virus to your child in many different ways.

While having HIV is not the same as it used to be, it does cause certain problems and it can be distressing to think that you could pass it on to your children.

Read on for more information on perinatal HIV and when it occurs. 

What Is Prenatal HIV Transmission?

Perinatal HIV refers to the transmission of HIV between a woman and her baby.

This usually occurs during the birth of your child, pregnancy, or breastfeeding. Perinatal HIV is also known as mother-to-child transmission.

Can Perinatal Transmission Of HIV Occur?

Perinatal transmission can occur with HIV through breast milk, childbirth, and pregnancy. HIV commonly transfers through breast milk, vaginal fluids, and the blood. 

Can You Prevent Perinatal Transmission? 

Mother-to-child transmission is very preventable, so it is very important to speak to your doctor about your possible options.

It is very possible for a baby to be born from a HIV-positive mother who has not contracted the virus.

Over the last 30 years, the chances of this happening have decreased by 95 percent.

These statistics are very promising as under 1 percent of new cases of HIV were actually due to perinatal transmission.

In order to prevent this transmission, you should follow these steps: 

Visit Your Doctor 

If you are pregnant and HIV positive, it is very important to visit your doctor or physician very regularly.

This is to monitor your viral load. The doctor will check that the levels of HIV in the body remain very low, and will help to make sure that you are taking your medication correctly.

Your doctor will also be able to give you advice and answer any questions that you may have in regard to your pregnancy.

Take Your Medication! 

It is so important to continue to take your HIV medication. When you become pregnant, it is advised that you take antiretroviral medication.

This medication, when taken correctly, will reduce the chances of perinatal transmission by two-thirds.

The medication makes the amount of HIV in your blood so low that it is at undetectable levels.

This step is essential in preventing transmission. 

To further safeguard your baby from the virus, your baby is expected to take the medication after they have been born.

They are expected to take these drugs every 6 hours for 6 weeks in order to reduce the chances of the baby contracting HIV.


While you may have always wanted to have a natural birth, this may not be the best option for you if you are hoping to stop perinatal transmission.

Instead, it is recommended that you give birth via a cesarean as this will help to stop transmission.

What Is Perinatal Hiv And When Does It Occur? [Explained]

This is only for those who have not been able to lower their viral load to low enough levels through the medication. 

Don’t Breastfeed

Again, you may feel like you really want to breastfeed your baby, but refraining from breastfeeding is a very effective way to prevent the transmission.

While taking the medication will reduce the chances of transmission in a big way, breastfeeding is quite a high-risk activity.

What Happens If Your Baby Tests Positive?

If your baby has tested positive for HIV, it is better to start treatment early on to prevent the HIV from worsening.

The treatment for this is antiretroviral drug therapy. Your child will be expected to take this medication for the rest of their life if they want to remain healthy.

It is very important that this medication is taken every day in order to ensure that the treatment remains effective. 

Children with HIV who take their medication properly have the same lifespan as someone who has not got HIV.

However, if the children are not treated properly at a young age, they may experience lowered immune systems which means that they are much more likely to pick up lots of different infections.

What Increases The Risk Of Perinatal HIV?


Genetics plays a huge role in the likelihood of perinatal transmission. Certain people are genetically predisposed to transmit HIV differently from others. 

Other Illnesses 

If the mother or the child is suffering from other illnesses, then HIV is also more likely to be transmitted. 

Other Risk Factors 

Lifestyle choices and behavior patterns increase the risk of perinatal HIV transmission.

For instance, if the mother is taking drugs that are not prescribed by the doctor, and is having frequent sexual intercourse with various partners throughout the pregnancy, then the risk is increased. 

The method of feeding that is chosen could increase the risk of transmitting.

If you breastfeed your child or chew the food for the baby, you are much more likely to transmit HIV!

Nutritional Status 

The mother has quite a high chance of transmitting the virus if they have: 


      • Malnutrition and immunosuppression at an advanced stage.

      • Other sexually transmitted infections. 

      • A deficiency in vitamin A and other nutrients that are essential.

    These health factors could increase the risk of mother-to-child transmission.

    Can I Breastfeed Safely With HIV?

    It is not recommended that those who are HIV positive breastfeed their child.

    While the risk of transmission, if you have a low viral load, is barely there, breastfeeding still has a chance of transmitting it, so it is a good idea to avoid breastfeeding where possible. 

    There are many other alternatives to breastfeeding.

    Baby formula is a great alternative and it will give your child all the nutritional value that they need while removing the risk of transmission. Donor milk is another option.

    Prenatal HIV Transmission Can Occur During Labor, Delivery, and the Postpartum Period

    Prenatal HIV Transmission can occur during labor, delivery, and the postpartum period, although it is unlikely to occur in the first trimester. A pregnant woman can contract HIV through breast milk, through a sexual relationship, or through contact with an infected individual. The infection can be spread to a newborn through the placenta, as well as through the mother’s blood. Symptoms of perinatal HIV include muscle aches, fatigue, runny nose, headache, fever, and congestion. It is important to know the symptoms so that a woman can seek treatment.

    If a pregnant woman is found to be infected with HIV, she will need to take medication to prevent transmission to her baby. Using a specific regimen of drugs can decrease the likelihood of the baby being infected by a factor of one-tenth. There are also new drugs available that allow a breastfeeding baby to receive medications for a period of four to six weeks after birth.

    Because HIV is a sexually transmitted disease, women who are infected must be reported to their provider and their local health department. There are a number of tests that can be used to determine if a woman is infected with HIV. These tests include antibody screening, enzyme immunoassay, and Western blot. Positive results can be confirmed by a second test, which is the immunofluorescence assay. Tests should be done on all pregnant women, especially those with risk factors.

    While it is rare for a child to acquire HIV from an infected mother, the virus can cause a child to develop AIDS later in life. Fortunately, the use of antiretroviral therapy has made the pediatric HIV rate drop sharply.

    Prenatal HIV Testing and 6th generation HIV test

     Prenatal HIV testing is the process of testing pregnant women for HIV to determine whether they have the virus and to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV. The test is usually done during the first prenatal visit, and it can be done again in the third trimester if the woman is at high risk of HIV or if the initial test was not conclusive. If the test is positive, the mother can be treated with antiretroviral therapy (ART) to reduce the risk of transmitting the virus to her unborn child. Prenatal HIV testing is an important aspect of prenatal care and is recommended for all pregnant women in the United States.

    If you are a patient with risk factors for HIV infection, you should undergo screening at least once. This will help you find out if you are infected and whether you need treatment. The sooner you know if you have the virus, the more effective your treatment will be. There are several different types of tests you can use, including nucleic acid, saliva, and antibody. You may have to wait up to three weeks after you have been exposed to the virus before you will have a positive test.

    Nucleic acid tests are the first diagnostic method for HIV infection. Using blood from a vein, the test will identify the presence of the virus in the body. Once a positive result has been received, you can then begin to make a treatment plan. For example, you might start taking antiviral medications. However, these medications only work against the HIV-1 virus. Therefore, you will have to be tested for the HIV-2 virus to determine whether you have both viruses.

    A fourth-generation HIV test is one type of test that detects both antibodies and the HIV antigen. This allows for earlier detection of acute HIV. It is also very accurate. In fact, this test has a specificity of 99 percent. Although it can take a few days to receive the results, it is a highly reliable test.

    Combined HIV antigen and antibody tests are commonly used as a point-of-care testing procedure. They are available as a rapid finger prick or blood draw from a vein. The assays can be used in conjunction with a Western blot assay to confirm a positive result. These tests are designed to be sensitive and fast.

    Fourth-generation HIV tests are also called enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs). They are generally more accurate than previous generations of tests. Some of these tests can be performed in less than 20 minutes.

    Another test that is commonly used for early detection of HIV is an RNA viral load test. This is another point-of-care test, and it can be completed in a few hours. When the HIV virus has been diagnosed, you can be treated with medicines that target the virus.

    As with all tests, the accuracy of this type depends on the person’s immune system. If you have a medical condition that prevents you from producing enough of the antibodies, your healthcare provider should be notified. Also, tell your doctor if you are afraid of needles.

    Finally, single-use point-of-care tests are also available. They are used in emergency situations and primarily for pregnant women whose status is unknown. Unlike combined tests, these tests are not able to differentiate between the two viruses.

    One type of rapid test is the HIV-1/2 antibody rapid point-of-care test. This assay can be done on whole blood or plasma. It will detect free HIV-1 p24 antigen. With the help of built-in quality controls, it provides clear results in just 20 minutes.

    The fifth-generation HIV test is a newer type of assay that can detect p24, the HIV-1 and HIV-2 antigen. It is not FDA-approved for diagnostic purposes, but the newer tests are more accurate and sensitive.

    The 6th generation HIV test is a combination HIV test that detects both the presence of HIV antibodies and the presence of HIV antigens. The test is considered to be more sensitive and specific than earlier generation HIV tests, as it is able to detect HIV infection earlier in the course of infection. 

    The 6th generation HIV test is able to detect HIV infection as early as 11 days after exposure, while earlier generation tests typically require at least 18-45 days after exposure to detect HIV. This test is also known as the HIV Combo test or HIV Ag/Ab test. It is usually done as a blood test and results are usually available within a few days.

    Perinatal HIV Transmission Rates

    Perinatal HIV transmission rates are estimated from the HIV RNA levels of the pregnant woman and the risk factors associated with her pregnancy. These factors include whether the woman is receiving prenatal care and antiretroviral treatment (ART) during pregnancy. It is also important to consider whether the women were infected with the virus during pregnancy.

    During the period from January 1998 to September 1999, the state of Connecticut reported a prenatal testing rate of 31 percent. Rates of perinatal transmission were 1.8% among newborns born to HIV-positive mothers. In New York, the rate was 93%.

    Perinatal HIV transmission rates are higher for pregnant women who receive no preventive ART or are not tested before delivery. Approximately 80% of perinatal transmission occurs between week 36 and birth.

    Prenatal testing is one of the most effective ways to reduce perinatal HIV transmission. However, some HIV-positive women are not aware of the importance of HIV screening before delivery. The ABC Network, a project of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, reviewed a stratified random sample of labor and delivery records to assess HIV testing during prenatal care.

    There were 3925 pregnant women who had an HIV test at least two days before delivery. Ninety-two percent of these women received some form of prenatal care. Compared with non-HIV-positive women, pregnant women who use illicit drugs and do not receive prenatal care have higher perinatal HIV transmission rates.

    Although the rate of perinatal HIV transmission decreased from 54% in 1992 to 61% in 1995, it is still far below the goal of 90%. Further efforts are needed to reduce this risk. A comprehensive multipronged approach involving intravenous zidovudine during labor and postnatal infant antiretroviral prophylaxis is recommended to decrease perinatal HIV transmission.

    Here is list ways in which mother to-child transmission can occur: 

    Symptoms of HIV-Positive Pregnant Woman

    If you are pregnant and you are HIV positive, you will need to take special medicine to prevent the virus from spreading to your baby. This is called antiretroviral therapy (ART). ART can help you feel better and control your HIV virus. You should work closely with your doctor to follow your treatment plan.

    The key to preventing transmission of HIV during pregnancy is to take all prescribed medications. These medicines are designed to reduce your viral load and make your immune system stronger. Taking them on time can also reduce the chances that your body will become resistant to them. Your doctor may recommend other precautionary measures.

    During your pregnancy, your doctor should monitor your CD4 count. When you have a low count, your immune system is weak and it is more likely for you to transmit HIV to your baby. It is important to know that HIV can spread from your body to your baby through sex, sharing bodily fluids, or injection drugs. Getting your HIV virus tested at the first pregnancy appointment is necessary.

    You should also talk with your obstetrician about the use of antiretroviral medications during your pregnancy. Some antiretroviral medications are safe for women during pregnancy, but others are not. There are also certain medications that can be harmful for your baby, so you should speak to your doctor about them.

    Breastfeeding can be a good way for your baby to get immune to the HIV virus, but you should discuss this option with your doctor. If you are HIV positive, you should avoid breast feeding your baby because it could increase the risk that you could pass the virus to your baby.

    If you are planning on breastfeeding your baby, you will need to be tested for HIV during your pregnancy. If you are not, you can receive a test at the hospital during your delivery. Infected infants receive antiretroviral medications for the first four to six weeks of their lives. During this time, your baby will receive zidovudine orally or intravenously. For the final four to six weeks of their life, they will be given AZT.

    Pregnant women with HIV are also at a higher risk for contracting other infections during their pregnancy. These infections can be caused by viruses, bacteria, and fungi. They can be serious and can lead to full-blown AIDS. Vaccines and condoms are helpful for protecting you and your baby from these illnesses.

    Depending on your condition, you might be able to give birth naturally. Some women will need to have a caesarean section. Cesarean sections are considered the least dangerous of all delivery methods. However, you may still be at an increased risk of infection during your cesarean delivery.

    During pregnancy, your OB or HIV specialist will work with you to develop a treatment plan. Your treatment plan will include all of the medicines that you are taking and any precautionary measures that you might need.

    Most women with HIV are able to protect their baby during pregnancy. Nevertheless, you should be aware of your HIV status and have a physical exam at regular intervals.

    HIV Transmission From Mother-To-Child Percentage

    There has been an overall decrease in the HIV Transmission from mother-to-child rate in the United States since 2010. Perinatal HIV transmission occurs when a pregnant woman living with HIV passes HIV to her baby. However, perinatal transmission is not a common occurrence. In fact, perinatal HIV transmission is estimated to occur in just 1% of all mothers on antiretroviral therapy.

    A new study has investigated determinants of vertical HIV transmission. It was conducted at a pediatric outpatient clinic (pOPC) in An Giang, Vietnam. The study assessed determinants of HIV transmission from mother-to-child, including the adherence of the mother to her antiretroviral regimen, the child’s age, and the infant’s gestational age.

    The perinatal and postnatal HIV transmission rates were calculated from the 0.025 quintile of the 1000 subpopulation. Infants in the 0.025 quintile were infected with HIV at an average of 6.0 weeks. Among the 568 infants followed up, 12 infants were transferred to other OPCs for further treatment. Moreover, the average interquartile range was 6.0- 6.9 weeks.

    This study also confirmed that the MTCT rate was higher among rural and housewives. Additionally, mothers who were aware of their HIV status during pregnancy were at a higher risk. Although the results were not statistically significant, they are consistent with other studies in Asian countries.

    The study had some methodological limitations. Some of these include: limited access to antenatal care, lack of a follow-up registration book, and absence of a matched case-control study.

    Factors Contributing to Mother-To-Child Transmission of HIV

    Mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV occurs when an HIV positive mother passes HIV to her baby. This can occur during labour or during breast feeding. It is also possible to transmit HIV in the first year after birth, if the infant is not receiving anti-HIV drugs. The risk is 25-30%.

    A study conducted by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine investigated factors associated with MTCT of HIV in rural Tanzania. Using a case-control design, 120 mothers were interviewed and compared to controls. Researchers found that breastfeeding and mixed feeding were independent risk factors. However, the risk was reduced by being exclusively breastfed for at least six months.

    The results showed that children were less likely to become infected with HIV if their mother had been hospitalized since birth or if they were exclusively breastfed for at least six months. The study suggests that gaps in services can increase the risk of transmission, especially in developing countries.

    According to the World Health Organization, prevention of mother-to-child transmission should involve providing lifelong treatment to HIV positive pregnant women and preventing unintended pregnancies. This can be achieved through an integrated approach to HIV prevention, which includes ensuring that all children receive care and support in their families. In addition, effective PMTCT interventions are available in many developing countries.

    To minimize MTCT, it is essential to provide high-quality, comprehensive PMTCT services. These services include antenatal and delivery services, counseling and testing services, and the provision of antiretroviral prophylaxis to HIV-positive pregnant women.

    Final Thoughts

    If you become pregnant and you are HIV positive, it is very important to contact your doctor immediately to get some advice on how to reduce the chances of your child contracting HIV through pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding.

    While HIV research has come on in leaps and bounds over the past few years, and your child will not have a lower life expectancy than a child without HIV if their medication is taken correctly, it is still a good idea to prevent it in the first place, so read this article for some guidance on perinatal HIV.

    Joshua Damie